Services for Clients 


'Empathy means to be preoccupied by the thoughts and feelings of other people, putting yourself in their place, trying to think like them.'
-Neculai Ioan Fantanaru

Aurora puts the relationship between peer mentors and clients at the heart of its project.

Our peer mentors are all volunteering to share their experiences of their journey through treatment for substance misuse. They are all individuals that have faced the same challenges that you may be facing right now.



Who Do We Work With?

  • We work with clients that are engaged, or thinking of engaging, with substance misuse treatment in the London borough of Lambeth.

  • We assess clients on a case by case basis and will match our volunteers to clients that have had similar experiences.

  • We hope that this relationship will help empower both our volunteers and clients.


What we can do for you

  • We can offer emotional support and empathy but most importantly we offer a non-judgemental attitude.

  • We can help you with day to day tasks that can sometimes feel overwhelming, such as filling out forms, making appointments and help you to take control of issues that may be holding you back.

  • Our volunteers can help to link you into social clubs and groups for individuals in treatment for substance misuse in Lambeth.

  • Aurora Project Volunteers will be able to support you through difficult times and difficult situations.


How to be referred to our service

If you feel you would benefit from some peer support ask your key worker to refer you today!